
Saturday 25 January 2014

Tony's best friend Gina is offering advice to government yet again

The Australian 2012: Rinehart (centre) and Abbott (standing)

Multi-billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart offers advice to yet another member of the Abbott Government, on the subject of recipients of aged/veterans/widows/carer pensions, sole parent payments, unemployment benefits and assorted other cash transfers including Austudy.

The Sydney Morning Herald 23 January 2014:

In audio of the meeting heard by Fairfax Media, Mr O'Dowd also argued that too many Australians were exploiting the social security system, and that something needed to be done to stop welfare cheats. He recalled a conversation he had had recently with billionaire Gina Rinehart.
"[Rinehart's] biggest whinge to me was, she said, 'Ken, you blokes in Canberra have got to stop the welfare system," Mr O'Dowd told the community meeting.
"There is [sic] 60 per cent of Australians on some sort of welfare payment. [Rinehart] said, 'They can't be all that badly off'."

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