
Monday 10 March 2014

Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition's first Earth Matters presentation for 2014 - 5.30pm Monday 17 March

Media Release 

In our first Earth Matters session for 2014, our presenter poses two questions.  Can we stop climate change and keep the planet we have grown to love?  Given the outlook the planet faces with climate change, is it time to consider nuclear energy as part of the solution? 

This is one person's journey in moving from being adamantly opposed to nuclear energy to seeing it as necessary to keep the planet cool.

Our presenter is Peter Morgan, a well-known local conservationist.

Earth Matters is a session on environmental issues which is conducted every two months by the Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition in conjunction with the Clarence Environment Centre.

Time: 5.30 pm, Monday March 17. 
Venue: Staff room, Grafton Primary School, Queen St, Grafton.

All welcome.

For further information contact Stan on 66449309.

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