
Sunday 16 March 2014

One Clarence Valley resident did the sums which NSW Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis had apparently avoided

Letter to the editor in The Daily Examiner on 13 March 2014:

Jail plan pilloried

In response to the front page article: Gulaptis says Grafton jail could house 'one punch' thugs (DEX 8/3).
Referring to proposed mandatory sentencing for offenders who throw lethal coward's punches while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, Mr Gulaptis suggested there "was plenty of room" at Grafton to accommodate offenders like Thomas Kelly's killer Kieran Loveridge.
"As far as I am concerned, these thugs can be locked up in the Grafton jail ... this is an opportunity to reopen the jail to accommodate these thugs," Mr Gulaptis said.
So I googled the Australian Bureau of Statistics which says that 90 people have been killed by single punches in Australia since 2000.
That works out at less than 10 people a year, and Chris Gulaptis wants to reopen Grafton jail to house how many people?

Marnie Brown
Coutts Crossing

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