
Monday 14 April 2014

Latest Fairfax Nielsen poll shows voters not happy with Prime Minister Abbott or the Australian Coalition Government

Fairfax Nielsen Poll 10-12 April 2014, published 14 April 2014:

Found at @GhostWhoVotes 

When it came to job performance; half of all those polled by Nielsen disapproved of Prime Minister Abbott, both men and women almost equally disapproved and, at least half of those under 55 years of age disapproved.

Abbott led as preferred prime minister nationally by 1 percentage point, but half of those under 40 years of age and 45% of those between 40-54 years preferred Labor Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as prime minister.

The Coalition primary vote had dropped 6 percentage points nationally since it won government in September 2013 and, it trailed Labor by 4 percentage votes on a two party preferred basis.

Just on seven months into its first term, the Abbott Liberal-Nationals Government polling is looking as jaded as a federal government four times older.

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