
Tuesday 22 April 2014

The new NSW Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government ministerial line up

If everyone listed below survives the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Operation Spicer hearings, this is the ministerial line up which will face the state electorate at the March 2015 election.

Don Page the MP for Ballina is missing from this list, having been demoted to the backbench in the Baird reshuffle and he has announced he will not be standing for re-election next March.

Mike Baird
Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and Western Sydney
Andrew Stoner
Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Small Business and Minister for the North Coast
Gladys Berejiklian
Minister for Transport and Minister for the Hunter
Adrian Piccoli
Minister for Education
Mike Gallacher
Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for the Central Coast, and vice-president of the executive council
Duncan Gay
Minister for Roads and Freight
Anthony Roberts
Minister for Resources and Energy
Jillian Skinner
Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research
Andrew Constance
Pru Goward
Minister for Planning and Minister for Women
Brad Hazzard
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
Gabrielle Upton
Minister for Family and Community Services
Katrina Hodgkinson
Minister for Primary Industries, Assistant Minister for Tourism and Major Events
Kevin Humphries
Minister for Natural Resources, Lands and Water, and Minister for Western NSW
John Ajaka
Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and Minister for the Illawarra
Stuart Ayres
Minister for Fair Trading, Sport and Recreation, Minister Assisting the Premier on Western Sydney
Victor Dominello
Minister for Citizenship and Communities, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Veterans Affairs, Assistant Minister for Education
Rob Stokes
Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage and Assistant Minister for Planning
Troy Grant
Minister for Hospitality, Gaming and Racing, and Minister for the Arts
Dominic Perrottet
Minister for Finance and Services
Paul Toole
Minister for Local Government
Jai Rowell
Minister for Mental Health and Assistant Minister for Health

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