
Friday 16 May 2014

Images of Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott listening to the Opposition's Budget Reply

I give you this commitment. Labor will never, never give up on Medicare. We shall fight this wicked and punitive measure to its ultimate end. That is a promise...
This Prime Minister’s cuts trespass against the nation’s covenants with pensioners...
I make this solemn pledge to Australia's pensioners. Labor will not surrender the security of your retirement. We will fight for a fair pension. And we will prevail...
This Prime Minister’s vicious, victim-blaming policy will create a lost generation of 
Australians—shut out of the workforce. And Labor will have no part of it. 
If you want an election, try us. If you think that Labor is too weak—bring it on. But remember: it is never about you or me, Prime Minister. It is about the future of our nation and the wellbeing of the Australian people. [Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, 15 May 2014]

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is a man clearly not liking what he is hearing. He maintained a defensive posture for much of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's Budget Reply.

See Australian House of Representatives Hansard 15 May 2014 at 17:59 to 20:03 
YouTube video of Budget Reply at

1 comment:

  1. We should well remember the "death stare" Abbott gave to the ABC's Tony Jones when Jones caught him out lying.
    Youtube video:


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