
Sunday 4 May 2014

In the middle of the bad news coming out of the NSW ICAC corruption inquiry the Australian Prime Minister is selling access to himself for $11k a person

The Guardian on 30 April 2014 reveals that not only is the Prime Minister selling access to his 'august personage' - none of those paying over $11,000 a pop will ever have their names revealed:

The Liberal party federal director, Brian Loughnane, has offered “business observers” a breakfast with the prime minister, Tony Abbott, and access to his ministers’ chiefs of staff for $11,000, at the same time as New South Wales Liberal party members face scrutiny in the Independent Commission Against Corruption over influence peddling.
The $11,000 price tag – including GST – is pitched just below the $12,000 threshold at which political donations have to be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission.

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