
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Marching Towards Oblivion: a former NSW Police Minister and his former Parliamentary Secretary for Police

Image of ICAC exhibit by @Kate_ McClymont

On 3 April 2011 Liberal MLC Mike Gallacher became NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services – on 2 May 2014 he resigned after being named as a subject of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption Operation Spicer investigation .

On 4 May 2011 Nationals MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell became Parliamentary Secretary for Police under Gallacher – he resigned on 16 December 2011 in the midst of questions concerning a statutory declaration and allegations that he (rather than one of his staff) was driving a speeding car caught by a traffic camera.

Both had successfully stood for re-election in March 2011 and both went on to disappointed their party leaders and their electorates. It only took Cansdell a bit over 22 weeks to meet his political end in the 55th NSW Parliament – it may take Gallacher a while longer as the current ICAC investigation is likely to continue for some time.


In a stunning development, the corruption inquiry into alleged Liberal Party slush funds will be "suspended" next week while investigators examine new evidence implicating former Police Minister Mike Gallacher in potential "serious electoral funding irregularities".
Counsel assisting the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Geoffrey Watson, SC, applied on Tuesday for a suspension of Operation Spicer "to allow the investigative staff at the commission time to investigate more material which has come to hand in recent times".
"In light of speculation on the subject, it does seem an appropriate moment to say that these activities implicate the former minister Michael Gallacher," Mr Watson said.

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