
Monday 5 May 2014

NSW ICAC Operation Spicer Week Two - running sheet and witness list outline

To date one NSW Premier has resigned, one NSW minister has resigned and been suspended from the Liberal Party, one NSW Minister has resigned, one NSW Liberal MLC has resigned from a parliamentary position and stood aside, two NSW MPs been suspended from the Liberal Party and one Liberal federal senator has stood aside, as a result of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Operation Credo and Operation Spicer investigations.

They are:

Barry O’Farrell - MP for Kur-ing-gai, former NSW Premier & Minister for Western Sydney until his resignation on 17 April 2014
Chris Hartcher - NSW MP for Terrigal, Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for the Central Coast & Special Minister of State until 9 December 2013 and now suspended from the Liberal Party of Australia (NSW)
Mike Gallacher – NSW MLC and, NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services until his resignation on 2 May 2014
Marie Ficarra - Member of the NSW Legislative Council and, a former parliamentary secretary until 17 April 2014
Darren Webber – MP for Wyong now suspended from the Liberal Party of Australia (NSW)
Christopher Spence – MP for The Entrance now suspended from the Liberal Party of Australia (NSW)
Arthur Sinodinis - Federal Senator for NSW and Assistant Treasurer in the Abbott Government (not fulfilling assistant treasurer duties for the duration of the investigations)

Operation Spicer enters its second week today.

Operation Spicer is an investigation into:…whether, between April 2009 and April 2012, certain members of parliament including Christopher Hartcher, Darren Webber and Christopher Spence, along with others including Timothy Koelma and Raymond Carter, corruptly solicited, received, and concealed payments from various sources in return for certain members of parliament favouring the interests of those responsible for the payments.
The Commission is also examining whether, between December 2010 and November 2011, certain members of parliament, including those mentioned above, and others, including Raymond Carter, solicited, received and failed to disclose political donations from companies, including prohibited donors, contrary to the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981.
Further allegations include whether Eightbyfive, a business operated by Mr Koelma entered into agreements with each of a series of entities including Australian Water Holdings Pty Ltd (AWH), whereby each entity made regular payments to Eightbyfive, purportedly for the provision of media, public relations and other services and advice, in return for which Mr Hartcher favoured the interests of the respective entity.
The ICAC is also investigating the circumstances in which false allegations of corruption were made against senior SWC executives….

NSW ICAC Operation Spicer Witness List For Week Two:

Darren Williams - development manager at the Buildev Group and a sponsor of the Sydney-based Liberal Party associated entity The Millennium Forum in 2008
Troy Palmer - chief executive of Hunter Sports Group, Chief Financial Officer of Patinack and a Buildev Group director
David Sharpe - one of the co-owners of Buildev
Nabil Gazal – Gazcorp director Sydney property developer
Nicholas Gazal – Gazcorp director Sydney property developer
Eric Koelma – brother to Tim Koelma creator of the ‘slush fund’ corporation, Eightbyfive
Grahame Young - CEO of Tesrol property group
Gary Bonaccorso – Sydney property developer
Doug Sneddon - planning consultant
Anthony Bandle – trustee of Liberal and National Parties’ Canberra-based associated entity Free Enterprise Foundation 
John Abel – NSW Liberal Party member and factional identity within the party
Tony Merhi - property developer and alleged Liberal Party donor
Marie FicarraMember of the NSW Legislative Council and, a former parliamentary secretary until 17 April 2014
Peter McConnell - former chief of staff to former NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell
Nick Di Girolamo - Liberal Party fundraiser, managing partner at Colin Biggers & Paisley until February 2007 after which he joined Australian Water Holdings as CEO and shareholder

Removed from Week Two List:

Paul Nicolaou - principal fundraiser for the New South Wales Liberal Party and former chairman of the fundraising associated entity Millennium Forum
Arthur Sinodinos – Federal Liberal Party Senator for New South Wales and Assistant Treasurer (not performing the duties of an assistant treasurer for the duration of the investigations)
Mark Neeham - former State Director of the New South Wales Liberal Party
Simon McInnes - Finance Director of the New South Wales Liberal Party

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