
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Police Association appears to believe the that the NSW Police Commissioner's response to the Bentley Blockade is not carefully planned

Coal seam gas/tight gas miner Metgasco Limited's little helpers at

Circular No. 19 Operation Stapler (Bentley Gas Project)

7th May 2014
Circular No. 19

Operation Stapler (Bentley Gas Project)

Under normal circumstances an operation of this magnitude would require a considerable period of careful planning. Unfortunately, the planning for this operation is constrained by a far shorter timeframe.

Your Association has been meeting with the Northern Region Commander and his staff to ensure the Industrial and WHS conditions of our members are met. This is a work in progress and we are continuing to consult with the NSWPF.

Members should be aware of the following entitlements as per our Award Crown Employees (Police Officers- 2013) Award.

Where available, members are entitled to be accommodated in three star/three diamond accommodation. The Association has been advised that this standard of accommodation has been sourced in Ballina, Lismore and Casino .If you are not accommodated in at least 3 star accommodation on this operation, please advise your Association ASAP.

When members are required to perform duty at a temporary work location, you are entitled to be compensated for expenses incurred for meals and incidentals. The Association has been advised that you will be supplied suitable meals during shift and be paid a meal claim for off duty meals. If the meals supplied are not suitable or if you are not paid your meal or incidental claim, please advise your Association.
Breakfast: $22.30 Lunch: $ 25.45 Dinner: $43.85 Incidentals per 24 hours: $18.20

Hours of Duty:
Members are entitled to two rest days in seven or four rest days in fourteen. If you are not provided with this, you are entitled to the cancelled rest day penalty.
Members who work more than seven “b” shifts in a 21 day period are entitled to the excess “b” shift penalty.

The Association has been advised that members will be working eight hours shifts with travelling time and overtime. These shifts will be morning, afternoon or night shifts. We have been advised that members will work the same type of shift when deployed to minimise fatigue and rostering issues. The normal length of deployment is seven days in the field with travel either side. Please advise your supervisor if fatigue is an issue.

The NSWPF has obligation under WH&S to provide certain facilities even at temporary work locations.This includes facilities for decontamination, toilets, stand down areas, shelter, and appropriate uniform and personal protective equipment. The Association has been advised that these facilities have been sourced. Any WH&S issues should be raised with your supervisor in the first instance. If unresolved, please contact your Association.

Association Contacts
Your Association will have two Organisers at the Operation. They will be in attendance for the induction. Mobile numbers of the Organisers will be supplied at the induction. Branch Officials are asked to make themselves know to the Organisers as a point of reference in the field.

First Response and other duties:
The number required to be deployed on this operation may affect the capability of LAC to meet First Response Agreement. Please advise your local branch officials of any breach use the First Response Non Compliance Form available at our website or by calling the office to notify the Association of all first response breaches.

You can contact the Association on 9265 6777 or though the DOI outside normal business hours. Email:
Scott Weber

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