
Monday 26 May 2014

The Lies Abbott Tells - Part Sixteen

Japan Daily Press: Tony Abbott


"I think the last government which brought down a very tough budget – the Howard government in 1996 - took a big hit in the polls too.” [ Prime Minister Tony Abbott quoted in The Sydney Morning Herald, 19 May 2014]

The first post-budget Newspoll in 1996 showed a three percentage point increase in the Coalition's primary vote, to 50; a lift in Howard's approval rating, from 47 to 51; and an increase in his lead over Kim Beazley as preferred prime minister to a score of 53 per cent against Beazley's 24….
The Age Poll saw the Coalition holding its primary vote and slightly increasing its two-party preferred lead over Labor. [The Age, 19 May 2014]
Voter support for Tony Abbott's Coalition government has slumped on the back of last week's federal budget, according to polls published in Fairfax and News Corp papers today.
A Nielsen poll in the Fairfax newspapers has the Coalition down four points and Labor up four points on a two-party preferred basis, with Labor in front 56 to 44 per cent - tripling its lead from last month's poll.
The Coalition's primary vote has slumped from 40 per cent in early April to 35 per cent - 11 points lower than its vote in the election last September.
And a significant number of voters have switched to the ALP, bringing its primary support up from 34 per cent in April to 40 per cent - a figure not seen against the Labor Party's name in a national poll for years.
On the Prime Minister's performance, Nielsen says just 34 per cent approve of Tony Abbott's efforts - a 10-point slump - while approval of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's performance is up to 47 per cent.
Mr Abbott's disapproval rating climbed to 62 per cent - 12 points higher than at last month's poll….
The Newspoll published in The Australian has similarly dire numbers for the Government, showing Labor in front 55 per cent to 45 per cent on a two-party preferred basis.
And for the first time, voters prefer Mr Shorten as prime minister over Mr Abbott, giving him a 10-point lead in the better prime minister stakes at 44 per cent to 34 per cent - a six-point drop for the PM since last month.
The Nielsen poll has a margin of error of 2.6 per cent and Newspoll's margin of error is 3 per cent…. [ABC News 19 May 2014]

1 comment:

  1. <

    Dear Clarencegirl,

    The following quote is apparently from the Office of the Prime Minister :

    “Those familiar with Margie Abbott know her quiet and understated approach is part of her genuine desire to draw attention to the charities and organisations she is involved with rather than herself,”

    I'm not "familiar" with Margie Abbott, in fact I don't know anyone who is remotely "familiar" with Margie Abbott.

    You, Clarencegirl, are exceptionally good at getting to the heart of bureaucracy and I was wondering if perhaps you could get a hold of Margie Abbotts diary, and publish it, so that I and the rest of Australia who are not "familiar" with Margie Abbott could see for ourselves how much charity work Australia's "First Lady" has been doing.

    It appears that Murdoch's Australian majority controlled print media has let Australia down in relation to photos, selling the "charity work" that Margie Abbott has been doing.


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