
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Treasurer Joe Hockey claims he is suing Fairfax because "as a result of the articles, published on May 5, he has been "greatly injured, shunned and avoided and his reputation has been and will be bought into disrepute, odium, ridicule and contempt"*

 "his reputation has been and will be bought into disrepute, odium, ridicule and contempt"*

Gee, and I thought I felt that way about Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey because of the House of Representatives’ Hansard record for 13 May 2014, contents of the 2014-15 Budget Papers, his post-budget speech at the National Press Club and later performance on the ABC TV program Q&A.


  1. all the crap the media dished up about Julia Gillard and she never once cried "I'll sue"
    He supports changes to discrimination act but can't take it himeslf!!!hypocrite.

  2. Hey Anonymous, not true - only last week we were reminded at the Trade Union Royal Commission that when it was reported AWU cash was used to undertake alterations at Ms Gillard’s home she threatened to sue over these reports (and her denials also Mike Smith and Glen Milne their jobs).

    And of course her champion predecessor Ruddy threatened to take legal action for defamation against Alexander Downer and News Ltd newspapers after being accused of leaking information supplied by Labor's political opponents to advance his political career.

    They're ALL hypocrites!


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