
Tuesday 17 June 2014

When NSW Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner "(@AndrewStoner) replied to one of your Tweets!"

Sometimes a minor classic in political stupidity reveals itself. This is NSW Deputy Premier and National Party Leader Andrew Stoner giving his head for a Streisand Effect-style washing on social media:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Stoner (via Twitter) <>
Date: 17 June 2014 08:48
Subject: Andrew Stoner (@AndrewStoner) replied to one of your Tweets!
To: Jenna Cairney <>

@JennaCairney1 great piece of journalism, take 1 comment completely out of context to sensationalise it & rev up anti gas protestors #agenda - @AndrewStoner
Jenna Cairney,
Andrew Stoner replied to your Tweet!
Jenna Cairney

"It broke my heart that some of those professional bludgers thought they had a win." @AndrewStoner on some of the protesters at Bentley - 13 Jun

@JennaCairney1 great piece of journalism, take 1 comment completely out of context to sensationalise it & rev up anti gas protestors #agenda

One interesting twist in this Twitter email is that it reveals the fact that the foolish Andrew Stoner regards tweeting his comments (made at a National Party conference attended as a member of the press by Ms. Cairney) as evidence of the grave sin of journalism.

Stoner remains resolutely silent on two other quotes concerning protesters at the Metgasco Limited drilling site at Bentley in north-east New South Wales:

It should also be noted for the record that the 16 June The Land article, which also quoted the Deputy Premier, was actually written by Mike Foley. I wonder what sort of email he received from the obviously irate politician?

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