
Friday 18 July 2014

Jackboot George is at it again

You receive an email from a friend of a friend asking if they can cadge a lift to your second cousin's wedding and, someone in the friend’s family is a person of interest to Australia’s intelligence agencies (just like writers of letters to the editor in 1945,  those supporting Moratorium marches in the 1970s, or former High Court Justice Michael Kirby as a young child ) and surreptitiously your computer is hacked and your privacy violated or worse.

Welcome to the world according to Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Attorney-General George Brandis…………….

Attorney-General George Brandis is preparing to introduce legislation next week that will expand the surveillance powers of ASIO and other intelligence agencies.
Among other things, it would enable them to hack into a third party's computer to access a target computer, and infiltrate entire computer networks on a single warrant.

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