
Thursday 24 July 2014

"We now also know that long-suffering NSW taxpayers were going to be footing the bill to keep this industry alive, with no plans for Metgasco to be charged"

The Northern Star 23 July 2014:

Government documents have revealed up to 800 police officers were to be sent to Bentley from May 19 to "ensure public safety" and enable Metgasco to move its drill rig on to the site.
And Metgasco wouldn't have been charged for the police operation, scheduled to continue until June 7....

Senior government officials warned the safety risk to the public and police during the installation of the drill rig would be "high to extreme".
The situation was described as an "unprecedented public order challenge" requiring a "significant deployment of police officers".
The information was released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act….

A NSW Police Force briefing also identified "many risks", including a "catastrophic" risk of litigation.
Greens MP David Shoebridge said the documents showed the NSW Police force was to be "used as an exceptionally powerful and expensive private security operation for a resources company".
"Any accountable democratic government would take that as a sign the industry should not go ahead," he said.
"We now also know that long-suffering NSW taxpayers were going to be footing the bill to keep this industry alive, with no plans for Metgasco to be charged."

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