
Sunday 14 September 2014

Are voters in Page getting value for money out of Nationals MP Kevin Hogan?

THE 2013 Federal Election finally wraps up in Page today with the official confirmation of the Nationals' Kevin Hogan as the member for the next three years.
Mr Hogan will be confirmed as the seat's new federal member at noon in the Australian Electoral Commission office in Grafton. [The Daily Examiner, 25 September 2013]

Pomp and ceremony will trump daily politics in Canberra today as MPs of the 44th Parliament are sworn in and officially presented to the Governor-General. [ABC News, 12 November 2013]

Federal Nationals MP for Page Kevin Hogan's initial parliamentary entitlements claim covers his official first forty-nine days in the House of Representatives.

Not content to wait on the formal declaration of the Page electorate poll on 25 September or that official swearing-in on 12 November, Mr. Hogan began to rack up charges against Australian taxpayers beginning on 11 September 2013 with fuel for his car.

By 31 December his entitlement total came to $104,651.47.

Including $7,701.89 airfare/COMCAR costs for a family member/s.

Click on image to enlarge

Hopefully sometime between now and the next federal election he will start demonstrating value for the money being spent on him.

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