
Thursday 25 September 2014

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A FFS! musing:
9 Sept. 2014 council committee meeting revealed that by delegated authority from General Manager council staff decide where and when Clarence Valley Council invests its $70+ millions. These are the same people who can't even catch up on all the roads/other infrastructure work that is still outstanding.

A C for effort musing:
Rumour round the catnip patch is that the Privacy Management Plan Clarence Valley Council had on public exhibition until early July 2014 was not considered up to par by the NSW Privacy Commissioner.

A missing $$$s musing:
So which Northern Rivers council has been stripping its employee leave entitlement reserve for years to prop up its annual budgets? Right now Clarence Valley Council's ELE reserve is $312k below the recommended minimum according to its 9 Sept. 2014 G & C Committee business paper. Hmmmm..........

A Table of Knowledge musing:
Clarrie Rivers is so busy trotting up and down the coast that it has fallen on my furry shoulders to pass on snippets from the local watering hole’s infamous famous table. Did you know that the Human Resources Manager at APN Australian Regional Media, Mark Algie, is a Clarence Valley boy who went to Maclean High School? I’m told his old teachers remember him a decent young fella.

A life after politics musing:
I have long held the belief that it is a bad idea to let humans near strong coffee and any sort of cream cake. It makes them as hyper as a kitten after its first taste of catnip. Which explains why I found my owner giggling over the second career she gave Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop at so that she could be gainfully employed in the pop world after the Abbott Government crashes and burns.

A Shout out to Mac the Scottie musing:
A new Facebook page Maclean's Active Community has just started up and can be found here.

A never ending story musing:
Hearing Dates: 14 July 2014. Decision Date: 24/07/2014. Jurisdiction: Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division. Before: Professor G.D. Walker, Senior Member. Decision: The decision under review is affirmed.

A little less than Magnum musing:
So who was the person rumoured to have been lurking in the vicinity of Osprey Drive, Yamba, allegedly keeping tabs on Clarence Valley Council staffer/s?

An it's in the eyes musing:
The Australian media is trying to convince readers that how the Prime Minister looks indicates the degree to which the MH17 passenger plane downing in the Ukraine is affecting him. G'aaarn! This is a man who to win an election put bulking product in his hair and darkened it, used a skin tightening product on his face to get rid of many wrinkles, used enough makeup to make a thespian blush and, barefacedly lied at the drop of the hat. A meeting round the catnip patch has decided 4 to 1 that it would not be beyond the wiles of Tony Abbott to irritate his eyes to achieve a suitably "stressed" look for his many media appearances since the mid-air disaster.

An how churlish musing:
Cr Williamson said councillors only had positive things to say about the Clarkes and were thankful for the great work they had done over such a long period
after Clarence Valley Council sacked the operators of the public pool at Maclean – apparently leaving it to a local journalist to tell them they had lost their jobs.

PS. I went a-hunting for teh inky graphics on Google Images

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