
Friday 5 September 2014

Oh, Mr. Abbott, personal savings from your repeal of the price on carbon overwhelm me


             Snapshot from Liberal Party of Australia official Twitter account


My first electricity bill after the 1 July 2014 repeal of the ‘carbon tax’ arrived in August. The one-off savings totalled $6.20 or 1.61% of my power bill.

Of course after that lordly sum was deducted I was still left with a rise in fixed charges of $27.53 which will endure as a cost rise until mid 2016.


  1. Hmm, I'd suggest changing to AGL - my 1st post carbon tax bill just arrived also and peak charge has gone from .3111c to .2966c per kw hour, controlled charge has gone from .1222c to .103c; that's a saving of 4.6% and 15.7% respectively, and nearly $50 in my pocket!

  2. Far as I can tell, main reason you 'pocketed' more than me is that you used more electricity.

  3. Think AGL customer forgot to factor in the whopping increase in AGL service charges

  4. I own a solar energy company and our job has us looking at power bills all day & every day. I certainly have not seen drops of around 10% on ANY bills I've come across! More like maybe 1c per kWh.

  5. <

    Immensely impressed that Joe "eleventy" Hockey is Commenting on North Coast Voices.

    Even if he does use "Anonymous" to do it.

  6. Kind of disappointing to get individuals showing their political or business bias driven by a dislike of "inconvenient truth" facts,

    Well here's another fact - the AGL press release states the average NSW customer will save approx. 7.8% on their bill; this varies depending on your specific circumstances and energy use! I see no reason to doubt that even though I've saved slightly less.

    As for the "whopping increase in service charges", the daily charge went from $1.25 to $1.28, that's 3 cents a day, a cup of coffee a quarter!

    And our solar energy company owner, I suspect, has his business hat on, a clear conflict of interest - my bill is here in black and white, savings of 2c per kw hour for 18 kw hours used a day, that's $2.50 a week.

    And John Fraser, Joe Hockey I'm not, for a start in believe in TRUTH. Now if only our local council will remove all the extra charges it's foisted on us courtesy of the Carbon Tax!

    1. My counter to this would be that during the carbon tax most energy companies had a very bold statement on client energy bills stating " NSW govt estimates that the federal carbon tax and green energy schemes add about $332 a year to a typical 6.5 MWh household bill" Mr Anonymous using 18kwh per day is your exact 6.5 MWh household. Therefore your $200 annual savings that you have worked out (which I do believe you) is still some $130 short of what it should be!


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