
Thursday 11 September 2014

The lesson Metgasco learnt over the last ten years is that it needs to bully NSW Police into moving against protestors at its direction

Coal seam and tight gas exploration and wannabee production mining company, Metgasco Limited made a 20 minute speech at the RUI Good Oil Conference in Perth on Wednesday 10 September 2014, complete with a 10 slide power point presentation titled Rosella – lessons learnt.

Although the presentation did not make clear what lessons Metgasco thought it had taken from the sustained community opposition to its aim to establish gas fields on the NSW North Coast, oil & gas industry newspaper Upstream obliging told us on the same day that the answer was increased social media propaganda and more police action on the ground at its Northern Rivers drill sites:

He said there needed to be better education of the community in regards to what the impact the industry will have.
Henderson also echoed the message that is pervasive in the Australian industry, which is that operators need to improve their standing on social media.
“We are being absolutely killed in social media by the greens,” he said. “Too many people in the community have been led to believe that we use old technology and that renewables are ready to step in right now and replace them”.
“Unless we start winning the minds of people in the capital city... we’re going to have government’s putting more stringent regulations on us.”
Henderson said he wished at the time of the protest he had pushed for more police action to cut off the resources of the protestors who at times performed “dangerous” acts.

Yes, it seems that Metgasco still believes that way to win hearts and minds at Bentley is with police baton charges.

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