
Sunday 7 September 2014

The "very well known person" the ICAC is referring to

The lads at the table of knowledge at the local watering hole, who are not averse to having an occasional wager, are flabbergasted that the sports agencies (aka the online betting mob) haven't framed a market on who the "very well known person" is that the ICAC is currently referring to in relation to a chain of controversial emails between that "very well known person" and a Liberal identity.

 It's possible to punt on just about every other imaginable event, so why not the identity of the "very well known person"?

For example, one agency is offering odds (see below) on who will be first to confirm by September 2015 they have been abducted by aliens.

BTW, one of the lads reckons both Clive and Alan are well over the odds in the Aliens Stakes and is real keen to have a a few bob that the "very well known person" is someone who came undone at the ICAC quite a few years ago. Could he be right?


  1. Well known, private individual, who belongs to the Liberal Party and has given evidence at ICAC before?
    Time to put the thinking cap on :)

  2. Well now we know - from the ABC.
    A corruption inquiry has seen an email trail involving the Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief of staff, Peta Credlin, which reveals access to senior Liberal Party figures was granted to political donor Brickworks.

    A suppression order, which prevented the publication of the emails, has been lifted by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

    The emails show the chief fundraiser of the of the party's NSW branch, Paul Nicolaou, describing Brickworks as a "very good supporter of the party" and putting it in touch with Ms Credlin to discuss the carbon tax in 2011.


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