
Wednesday 15 October 2014

Clarence Valley Council Deputy Mayor objects to wording of a council media release

This is the media release which sees recently elected Clarence Valley Council Deputy-Mayor Andrew Baker at odds with council management:

Mayor: Richie Williamson
General Manager: Scott Greensill                                                                  
10 October 2014

Council moves to rationalise Grafton area depots

Moves to consolidate the Clarence Valley Council’s five Grafton area work depots into one purpose-built site have taken their first formal step.

The council has adopted conceptual master plans that would result in the eventual closure of depots in Grafton, South Grafton, Koolkhan, and its weeds and floodplain services depots and replaced with one facility near the intersection of Skinner Street (Rushforth Road) and Tyson Street in South Grafton – the site of the former sewerage treatment plant.

General manager, Scott Greensill, said the five depots were a relic from council operations before amalgamation and consolidating them all on the one site would lead to more efficient service delivery and cost savings.

The proposed Rushforth Road site has been endorsed by councillors, but will need to be rezoned and rehabilitated before work can start. A report will go to the November meetings of council.

The council will apply to the NSW Government for the land to be rezone from SP2 – Infrastructure to SP2 – Depot and Public Administration Building.

People will be able to make submissions on the proposal when it goes on public display.

Release ends.

For further information contact:

David Bancroft        Communications Coordinator                    6643 0230

Clarence Valley Council
Locked Bag 23
Grafton, NSW, 2460

This is Cr. Baker’s response:


  1. Ok I'll bite. How many millions is this savings measure going to cost?

  2. And just how long has it been since amalgamation? Surely these sort of savings were all achieved in the first year?
    Our overpaid GM has some explaining to do!


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