
Sunday 19 October 2014

Health Services Union NSW is experiencing interesting times

Snapshot from NSW Court Lists

The Age 14 October 2014:

Controversial unionist Kathy Jackson has sought a delay in a $1.4 million lawsuit brought against her for alleged widespread fraud and theft citing her serious mental health problems.
It emerged in the Federal Court that Ms Jackson has also recently lodged a WorkCover claim against the Health Services Union where she sprung to national prominence as a "whistleblower" exposing the crimes of former Labor president Michael Williamson.  She is now being pursued for alleged corruption.
Ms Jackson on Tuesday, through her lawyer, applied in the Federal Court to have the HSU's lawsuit against her adjourned until February due to her health problems as she was unable to provide instructions to her lawyer.
But the HSU's lawyer, Mark Irving, attacked the last minute application and flagged it would seek to cross-examine the doctor who provided the report on Ms Jackson to check its "veracity".
"Having a medical report in one's back pocket for the best part of a fortnight and dumping it upon us at the last moment ... this is a continuation of quite disgraceful behaviour. It is quite extraordinary and unacceptable behaviour," he said.
"Things get worse for people who are being sued for significant amounts of money - what the (medical) report does not proceed to say at any stage is that she is not capable of providing rational instructions."
Justice Richard Tracey again criticised Ms Jackson for not abiding by court orders in the case saying it was "inexcusable". "I am conscious of the many inexcusable failures to comply with the court's orders. It's a matter that I have taken very seriously," he said.
Justice Tracey signalled he was reluctant to give the HSU summary judgement in the case - which would involve Ms Jackson being required to pay the HSU about $700,000 - as it was an "extreme step". 
He gave Ms Jackson until early November to provide affidavits about her "capacity to give instructions". ….

Read the rest here.

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