
Thursday 16 October 2014

Turning state school students into good little Christians in Abbott's Australia

Not content with circumventing a High Court of Australia ruling and forcing exclusively religion-based counsellors into the secular state school system, now Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his merry band of mindless ideologues are intent on revising the national education curriculum to place more emphasis on morals, values and spirituality and to better recognise the country’s Judeo-Christian heritage.

Proof that Christianity is a prominent focus can be found in the 2014 final report of the ‘independent’ two-man committee (comprising ex-Liberal Party staffer and lobbyist Kevin Donnelly & professor of public administration and Abbott supporter Keith Wiltshire) tasked with reviewing the education curriculum - with its sixty-three mentions of this religion and/or Judeo-Christian heritage.

The Australian published this potted outline on 13 October 2014 for readers who may not be inclined to wade through the report:

One day after the final report was released Abbott was quoted in The Newcastle Herald publicly support the reviewer’s final recommendations:

PRIME Minister Tony Abbott believes sending schools back to basics, as recommended in the national curriculum review, will boost the economy and students' job prospects.

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