
Sunday 2 November 2014

After spending tens of millions of taxpayers' dollars, Tony Abbott fails to land a killer blow on Julia Gillard

Tony Abbott became one of the true believers, convinced Gillard was corrupt or at least guilty of “something”. Abbott would tell colleagues he wouldn’t be surprised if Gillard “ended up in jail”. To place added pressure on the former PM, Abbott announced the Coalition, in government, would hold a judicial inquiry into the affair, adding other dodgy union deals such as the stinking mess of the Health Services Union. [The Courier Mail 13 September 2014]

Mr Abbott said Ms Gillard had been a "dodgy and unethical lawyer". The criticism was not about gender; she had "failed the character test". [Herald Sun 30 November 2012]

Having reportedly spent in excess of $24 million to date on his Royal Commission Into Union Governance and Corruption, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has failed to get the scalp he most prized – that of his predecessor former Labor prime minister Julia Gillard.

Counsel Assisting Submissions, 31 October 2014

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, maybe not a killer blow but she sure looks shaky, the finding by the Council Assisting the Commissioner is that he can't prove she knew what she was doing, the Royal Commissioner himself may or may not accept this finding.

    It would appear Council Assisting thinks he can prove 15 or so Union officials and CBUS staff are crooked, he's recommended charges be laid against plenty, so just perhaps it's not all a political witch hunt?


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