
Sunday 30 November 2014

Speaker Bronwyn Bishop's head count grows

The Sydney Morning Herald noted on 27 November 2014 that:

The total number of MPs removed by Ms Bishop in the life of the current Parliament is 285 – 280 of them Labor.
Ed Husic, Nick Champion, and Melissa Parke – who had never before been sent out – were among the MPs to be removed from question time on Thursday.

Excerpt from House of Representatives Hansard of 27 November clearly demonstrates that it takes little to be ejected from the Chamber these days:

The SPEAKER: The member for Freemantle on a point of order.
Ms Parke: Government members have been asking and answering questions all week about the China free trade agreement—
The SPEAKER: You are to speak to the standing order. What standing order are you referring to?
Ms Parke: Standing order 100(d)(i): 'Questions must not contain statements of fact unless they can be authenticated.'
The SPEAKER: The member will resume her seat. Indeed, having sat down she too will leave under 94(a) sequentially.
The member for Fremantle then left the chamber.

1 comment:

  1. <

    Only stands to reason the worst government in Australia's 40,000 year history of human habitation would have the worst Speaker.

    A disgraceful old tart by any standards.


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