
Sunday 21 December 2014

Dear Incompetent........

Ever wondered how often the twitterverse calls Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott incompetent?

Wonder no more, the tweeted mesages of political 'love' run for pages - going as far back as 15 August 2010.

Here are a few recent examples:

Dear  @TonyAbbottMHR why don't you resign. I keep on asking since most people think you should, you liar. But your heart coal

Latest poll rates   as more  than Julia Gillard.  it too late to repair the damage?

.@TonyAbbottMHR the poll  in. Untrustworthy AND . Tell us something we didn't know. Now the whole country  waking up.

Why do we need News poll to tell us that  ? A dark day for you, Tones. #auspol

Half of Australians Think via @ShareThis #Auspol
.@Wersula Let's just be clear about this. Poll shows   the most  Prime Minister ..........EVER ! #auspol

In a Dilbert world, the more  you are, the higher you get promoted. Which explains why    PM. #auspol

, seen by the people to be  & untrustworthy,  a liability for his government #auspol…

  was an  & a liar as Opposition Leader@OverTheHill4 @ThePinkLaptop Now he  an  & a liar as PM

The polls confirming what twitter has been saying all year    and a serial liar surrounded by more incompetents

The most untrustworthy &  PM ever.    the problem with the federal govt, poll.… via@smh

@TonyAbbottMHR to radically change PPL just another about turn from this  PM how many back flips  that now I've lost count.

@Rowans_tweets @abc730 @leighsales  That he  still incapable () in delivering

Video: occams-lazer: Karl Stefanovic ruining our Prime Minister.   such an  idiot...

You want to see where   heading, just look at his past… - an  unprincipled weather vane bully
Not once have we seen #AbbRORT give a #npc like @billshortenmp  now. He  .…#auspol #abcnews24

@oldkhayyam @vincentwight They achieved one thing. They all learned what an  PM @TonyAbbottMHR .

Obama oration brilliant, off the cuff, no notes! @TonyAbbottMHR just proved to the rest of the world what an  fool he really !

  may be the most utterly embarrassing and  public figure I have EVER seen. And that  saying something. #auspol

. your stupid statement re 16 years away being of no concern sums up ALL that  wrong with your  govt #auspol #G20
Tony Abbott is a warmongering incompetent trying to hide a bad budget by inciting racism, religious persecution, hate & fear. #auspol

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