
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Give 'em a good fright for Christmas

Despite the Martin Place siege having no apparent links to ISIL or to terrorism generally, Rupert and Tony are doing their best to usher in Christmas with a scary tale or two…….

There are people who would do us harm and can do us harm 
[Prime Minister Tony Abbott during his latest Christmas news conference]


  1. OMG - "Despite the Martin Place siege having no apparent links to ISIL or to terrorism generally, Rupert and Tony are doing their best to usher in Christmas with a scary tale or two. There are people who would do us harm and can do us harm" - surely you can't be serious trying to suggest this isn't real, what parallel universe do you live in?

    The murdering idiot was a Muslim, had told all and sundry via his internet postings and his actions that he was a terrorist. The murdering b's of innocent children in Pakistan are Muslins, the raping and murdering b's fighting their own in the Middle East are Muslims, .......and they all justify their actions by selectively quoting from the Koran!

    Sadly, these radicals have created a monster which destroys societies faith in their religion, just as the child abusers have destroyed societies faith in the Catholic Church.

    And thank God we have a PM warning us to be careful, and effective spying agencies keeping an eye on those who seek to destroy our Australian way of life - a scare campaign you bleat, I say total rubbish, one almost hopes another attack occurs just to rub your treasonous face in it,

  2. The only person seeking to "destroy our Australian way of life" is Tony Abbott himself and, as he has more power in this country than any alleged domestic terrorist or run-of-the-mill criminal, so far he is doing a very effective job at bringing the nation to its knees.

    You have a very weird view of what constitutes treason if you think I qualify.
    Suggest you read NCV comments policy.


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