
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Labor and Liberal-Nationals voters really are like chalk and cheese

It would appear that the average Labor voter does have a different view of the world from his/her Liberal or Nationals counterpart.

Labor voters have a higher than average trust in the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC). Liberal-Nationals supporters have more trust than the average in all news sources - except possibly the ABC.

Labor voters have a higher than average trust in environment groups and trade unions. While Liberal-Nationals supporters have more trust than the average in institutions such as the Reserve Bank, Parliament, religious organisations and, in business groups.

Essential Report 20 January 2015:

Q. How much trust do you have in the following institutions and organisations?

Note: ‘Total Trust’ is an aggregate figure achieved by adding ‘A lot of trust’ and ‘Some trust’

There have been few significant changes since this question was asked in July last year.

Respondents had most trust in the ABC (53%), the High Court (53%), the Reserve Bank (49%) and charitable organisations (44%). They had least trust in political parties (14%) and religious organisations (22%).

The main changes since the last poll were for TV news media (down 7% to 25%) and religious organisations (down 4% to 22%).

Compared to the average, Labor voters had more trust in the ABC (61%), environment groups (42%) and trade unions (33%).

Liberal/National voters, compared to the average, had a little more trust in the Reserve Bank (59%), religious organisations (29%), newspapers (38%), TV news (33%), Federal Parliament (39%), State Parliament (35%) and business groups (33%).

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