
Monday 9 March 2015

That mossie may do more than make you itch

Between 7 and 20 February 2015, there were 1,073 notifications of Ross River virus (RRV) infection, compared with 542 during the previous period and 226 during the same period last year. During the past quarter there were 2,858 notifications, 2.3 times the quarterly rolling mean of 1,226 notifications (Figure 1). Notifications from Queensland account for most of this increase, and comprise 74% (799) of the notifications during the current fortnight.

Barmah Forest virus infection: this reporting period 38 notifications
Dengue virus infection: this reporting period 112 notifications.


The Daily Examiner 23 March 2015:

So far this year reported cases of Ross River Fever in the Northern Rivers district have totalled 319. For the same period last year there were 19 reported cases.

These figures have been mirrored across the state with almost 550 reported cases so far this year, compared to just 79 in the same period last year.

Autumn is the prime breeding season for mosquitoes and mosquito-borne viruses such as Ross River Fever and Barmah Forest Fever so the number of reported cases is expected to grow in the coming months.

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