
Thursday 9 April 2015

Election's over and it's same old, same old from the Nationals MP for Clarence

Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis who has never voted anything but the Sydney-centric Liberal Party line had this to say in The Daily Examiner on 3 April 2015:

CHRIS Gulaptis has defended the downgrading of the Minister for the North Coast saying as Parliamentary Secretary he will have more time to take his constituents' North Coast issues to cabinet.
The Clarence MP's appointment came as part of the Baird Grant cabinet reshuffle announced on Wednesday.

If ever there was an empty promise it would be that one.

For the political tragics out there.....

Although the Nationals retained the seat, only 48.89% of those who voted in the Clarence electorate are known to have put Chris Gulaptis first on their ballot papers on 28 March 2015.  

By 6 April and with final counting not yet completed, the swing away from him was 22 per cent after the distribution of preferences. Currently the margin for his seat stands at around 9.4 per cent - down from 31.4 per cent in 2011 reported by election analyst Antony Green.

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