
Wednesday 13 January 2016

Sixteen parternalistic buybodies delivered a report to the Turnbull Government which may change your relationship with your GP

The Daily Telegraph, 4 January 2016:

LAST year was the year we avoided a $7 GP fee and a $5 prescription medicine price hike but six major reviews are plotting other major changes to the health system for 2016.

Primary health care, Medicare rebates, private health insurance, prescription medicine payments, mental health care and electronic health records are all slated for major changes under these reviews.

These and other health reforms, to be rolled out from 2016, will push up the cost of blood tests and scans, change your relationship with your GP, see you dragooned into an e-health record and increase your private health insurance costs — but might save you $1 on your prescriptions.

Seven million Australians with chronic and complex illness like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma and mental illness will be asked to enrol with a single GP practice.

The practice would receive an annual budget to keep them well under major reforms to primary health care being considered by the government.

The government is also considering changing the way GPs are paid.

The current fee for service model might only apply for acute health problems like visits for the flu or accidents.

Doctors might receive a fixed budget to treat chronically ill patients and could be paid for performance on reducing hospital admissions or improving blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol readings in patients.

A new class of salaried care co-ordinators could be paid to help patients navigate the health system under the system proposed and reduce the red tape burden on doctors.

The government’s Primary Health Care Advisory Group, headed by former Australian Medical Association chef Steve Hambleton, which proposed these measures handed its report to government early this month…… [my red bolding]

Who on earth came up with the damn stupid notion that my choice as both a patient and consumer should be limited or removed by tying me to using one particular medical practice? A practice which in all likelihood will not receive maximum recompense from the federal government unless it also strong arms its patients into staying in the opt-out eHealth system.

Ah yes, it was these sixteen paternalistic busybodies.

I refuse to have my personal medical data inserted into digital government records vulnerable to hackers, I need a care co-ordinator like a hole in the head and, I want to retain the freedom to change doctors without delay if I so wish and without a mountain of paperwork to negotiate before I do.

So Prime Minister Malcolm Bligh Turnbull and Minister for Health & Aging Sussan Ley, I don’t want what you you will try to spin as the best thing to happen to the health system since antibiotics. It’s just too Orwellian for me.

Primary Health Care Advisory Group Discussion Paper [August 2015] here.

1 comment:

  1. <

    "Doctor" Abbott was a complete disaster and I am now seeking a second opinion.

    And to be brutally honest "Doctor" Turnbull is no better.

    Fortunately there are better "Doctors" around and I will be attending them.


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