
Wednesday 17 February 2016

As Malcolm Turnbull faces his first national budget as prime minister the right-wing nutters start to crawl out of the woodwork

First cab off the rank is the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with a Let’s Make Aged Pensions Repayable Loans! statement on 14 February 2016:

The Federal Government must use May’s Budget to demonstrate it remains committed to reducing government spending as a share of the economy or else we risk consigning future generations to the painful readjustments that have taken place in southern Europe, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said today.

The Australian Chamber has released its Pre-Budget Submission, which outlines a series of reforms that can curb runaway spending in areas including the age pension, family tax benefits and childcare.

Kate Carnell AO, CEO of the Australian Chamber, said: “Unless public spending is brought under control, the Australian economy will gradually be crippled by increasing taxes and growing public debt, both of which are unsustainable.

“Given welfare and social services will account for 60 per cent of total government sector spending this year, they provide numerous changes worth considering.

“Changes to the Age Pension could foster innovative financing solutions that guarantee that pensioners can remain in their homes and still save billions of dollars from spending.

“The Government should consider transforming pension payments to owner-occupiers into a loan that is recoverable against their property when it is sold, potentially with a residual value that would allow pensioners to access equity for other purposes, such as aged care. While retirees should be able to maintain a minimum residual value, at present very little of the equity in owner-occupied housing is being drawn down for other purposes.

“In addition, abolishing Family Tax Benefit Part B could save $13.9 billion over four years and means testing the Child Care Rebate could save $250 million per year.
“Public spending growth cannot exceed economic growth indefinitely. If spending continues to grow faster than the economy, we will need to continuously raise the tax burden. If Australia waits until the system breaks we will consign the next generation to readjustments like those implemented recently in Greece and Spain……

1 comment:

  1. As a registered business organisation, is ACCI a tax exempt organisation? If so, surely it's timely to review the tax status of such an elitist right-wing organisation that contributes little to social equity in this country. Perhaps the ATO should conduct a forensic audit of its membership businesses. I'd wager there would be some very red faces. I find it disgusting and hypocritical that ACCI should attack the premise of the age pension, whilst its constituents bury their snouts deep in the trough to tease out every last cent of benefit from a range of lucrative tax minimisation devices such as negative gearing, trusts, self managed superannuation funds and the parking of inordinate sums in superannuation. And as for the CEO, Kate Carnell, ex ACT Chief Minister - I'd imagine she is the beneficiary of a taxpayer funded preserved benefit pension. How the mighty can croak!!


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