
Monday 7 March 2016

Australian Federal Election 2016: one for the FFS! file

Cory Bernardi going to the United Nations and staying on script? *shakes head*

The Advertiser, 1 March 2016:

SENATOR Cory Bernardi’s colleagues have voted to send him to Siberia for three months.
‘Siberia’ being the rarefied air of the United Nations in New York.
The Advertiser understands the firebrand’s mates were keen to give him the opportunity, but it took a few frenemies who wanted to see the back of him to give him the votes needed.
Senator Bernardi has been front and centre in recent weeks as the conservatives rock Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s boat.
Now he’ll disappear overseas for three months, just as speculation mounts about an early election…..

ABC News, 1 March 2016:

Liberal senator Cory Bernardi says he has been warned against "freelancing" during his three-month secondment at the United Nations.
Senator Bernardi has told the ABC he put himself forward for the short-term posting and won the ballot run by his fellow Liberal senators.
"I'm looking forward to engaging with the UN committee system, to see from a much closer perspective how it works and maybe how it can be improved," he said…..

SBS, 3 March 2016:

Conservative Liberal Cory Bernardi has vowed he won't succumb to "Stockholm syndrome" when he goes on a secondment to the United Nations.
Senator Bernardi has previously described the UN as an "unelected and unaccountable body" and a "fiscal black hole of bureaucracy".
"This secondment will provide me with a first-hand experience of whether those descriptions are accurate or not," he said in his latest newsletter.
Senator Bernardi said he's looking forward to seeing first-hand how the UN operates when he jets off for the three-month tour in September.
He's promised to be frank and fearless in his final assessment……

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