
Friday 5 August 2016

NSW ICAC is circling the Liberal Party once more

The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 August 2016:

One month after being praised by the Prime Minister as an "outstanding" candidate for federal parliament, Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun appears set to be dumped by the Liberal party for council elections.
Proving that four weeks is an eternity in Sydney politics, Liberal heavyweights asked Cr Mannoun to step down as the party's candidate for mayoralty soon after they were talking up his chances of a historic federal election win.
The change in Cr Mannoun's political fortunes came last month, when his home was raided by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Cr Mannoun put out a press release about the raid, saying he was "delighted" about the investigation and that ICAC was acting at his invitation, because he wanted to disprove allegations raised against him. But the key factional figures who decide the party ticket appear unswayed.
It appears Liverpool Liberal Tony Hadchiti, the president of the Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils, will succeed Cr Mannoun.
The party will officially vote to install candidates Saturday in what is a hastily convened preselection.
But some candidates have been knocked out of the ballot, making the preselection almost entirely uncontested.
The Liberal party's executive passed on Tuesday morning a motion giving extra powers to its director, Chris Stone, which could be used to suspend or knock out candidates…..

ABC News, 14 July 2016:

Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun's car has been searched by officers as part of corruption probe.

ABC News, 31 March 2016:

A Sydney council has banned its mayor from speaking on its behalf — the latest move in a long-running and bitter internal power struggle.
On Wednesday evening, the majority of Liverpool council passed a motion removing Mayor Ned Mannoun as its spokesman.
It also voted to scrap the Mayor's message in the monthly newsletter, replace his column in the local newspaper, and remove his photo from council invitations and publications.
It comes after the council mounted several attempts to fire embattled CEO Carl Wulff, who caved in to pressure and resigned this month……

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