
Sunday 7 August 2016

Poor fella, my country: composition of the Australian Senate post-July 2016

This is a great day for democracy, Mr Speaker
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on the passing of Senate reforms
Hansard,17 March 2016

The Turnbull Government’s legislative changes to how Australian senators are elected and its subsequent calling of a double-dissolution federal election in the face of a disillusioned and mutinous electorate, has resulted in this.....

The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 August 2016:

Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is now a pivotal force in Australian politics, having secured a total of four senators and consequently a crucial balance-of-power role in the new Parliament.

The Turnbull government will require the support of the One Nation bloc - as well as the three Nick Xenophon senators - to pass any legislation blocked by both Labor and the Greens.

But already there are questions over how long the four Hanson senators will remain united, with election-watcher Antony Green pointing to the party's abysmal record of keeping MPs in line.

The anti-Islam party benefited from a strong flow of voter preferences to win two Queensland Senate seats, including Ms Hanson's, and one in NSW, when results were finalised on Thursday. Farmer Rod Culleton has also been elected in Western Australia…..

One Nation spokesman James Ashby said the party's senators would be bound by the party's official policy manifesto

The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 August 2016:

One of Australia's new senators, One Nation's Malcolm Roberts, sent a bizarre affidavit to then prime minister Julia Gillard in 2011 demanding to be exempt from the carbon tax and using language consistent with the "sovereign citizen" movement.

Mr Roberts has also written numerous reports claiming climate change is an international conspiracy fostered by the United Nations and international banks to impose a socialist world order. At least one report cites several anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists, including notorious Holocaust denier Eustace Mullins among its "primary references".

Anti-government, self-identified "sovereign citizens" claim to exist outside the country's legal and taxation systems and frequently believe the government uses grammar to enslave its citizens.

NSW Police say such people "should be considered a potential terrorist threat".

In an affidavit he sent to Ms Gillard in 2011, Mr Roberts identified himself as "Malcolm-Ieuan: Roberts., the living soul", representing a corporate entity he termed MALCOLM IEUAN ROBERTS.

In the document, Mr Roberts demanded to be exempted from the carbon tax and compensated to the tune of $280,000 if Ms Gillard did not provide "full and accurate disclosure" in relation to 28 points explaining why he should not be liable for the tax.
Mr Roberts addressed the affidavit to "The Woman, Julia-Eileen: Gillard., acting as The Honourable JULIA EILEEN GILLARD" and presented her with a detailed contract he expected her to sign.

That stylisation of names is commonly used by "sovereign citizens" who believe the use of hyphens and colons is a way to evade governments' use of grammar to enslave their citizens.

When the largest Senate cross bench since Federation is combined with a one seat government majority in the House of Representatives - reduced to 75 votes on the floor once The Speaker is installed - then this country is now at the mercy of the cross benches. 

One of which is riddled with far-right, opportunistic, xenophobic, anti-science, anti-immigration, conspiracy theorising, zealots and political berserkers.

The composition of the Senate until 2019……

NSW Senators elected:
1.Payne (Lib)
2.Dastyari (ALP)
3.Sinodinos (Lib)
4.McAllister (ALP)
5.Nash (NAT)
6.O’Neill (ALP)
10.Williams(NAT) 1
12.Leyonhjelm (LDP)

1. Brandis (LNP)
2. Watt (ALP)
3. Hanson (PHON)
4. Canavan (LNP)
5. Chisholm (ALP)
6. McGrath (LNP)
7. Moore (ALP)
8. McDonald (LNP)
9. Waters (GRN)
10. O’Sullivan (LNP)
11. Ketter (ALP)
12. Roberts (PHON)

1. Fifield (Lib)
2. Carr (ALP)
3. Di Natale (GRN)
4. McKenzie (Nats)
5. Conroy (ALP)
6. Ryan (Lib)
7. Collins (ALP)
8. Paterson (Lib)
9. Marshall (ALP)
10. Hinch (DHJP)
11. Rice (GRN)
12. Hume (Lib)

1.Birmingham (Lib)
2. Wong (ALP)
3. Xenophon (NXT)
4. Bernardi (Lib)
5.Farrell (ALP)
6. Griff (NXT)
7. Rushton (Lib)
8. Gallacher (ALP)
9. Fawcett (Lib)
10. Kakoschke-Moore (NXT)
11. Hanson-Young (GRN)
12. Day (FF)

Elected senators for other states and territories:

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