
Friday 19 August 2016

The message is being sent that the Clarence Valley does not want the Clarence River estuary industrialised and says "No" to a mega port

Letter by local resident and reply by Member of Parliament.

From: Judith Melville [redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 August 2016 12:53 AM
To: ElectorateOffice Clarence
Subject: Unsolicited Proposal by Australian Infrastructure Developments Pty Ltd or Y.P.R. Australia Pty Ltd or Y.P.R Hong Kong or Deakin Capital Pty Ltd for privatization & development of Port of Yamba, NSW

Member for Clarence
Parliamentary Secretary for the NSW North Coast
NSW Parliament House
Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

16 August 2016

Dear Mr. Gulaptis,

Re: Future Strategic Planning & the Unsolicited Proposal by Australian Infrastructure Developments Pty Ltd or Y.P.R. Australia Pty Ltd or Y.P.R Hong Kong or Deakin Capital Pty Ltd for privatization & development of Port of Yamba, NSW

The NSW Government-owned Port of Yamba currently comprises “Goodwood Island wharf, a large shed that can accommodate vessels up to 120 metres in length, a small tug wharf and pontoon” which operate on a 24 hour basis [Port Authority of New South Wales Annual Report 2014/15].

The NSW Government has stated in its policy document titled “NSW Freight And Ports Strategy” (2013) that; “Future strategic planning by Sydney Ports will include the regional ports of Eden and Yamba”.

I ask you as the Member for Clarence and Parliamentary Secretary for the NSW North Coast to enquire on my behalf of both the Premier and Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight as to:

a) when this future strategic planning in relation to the Port of Yama is likely to be undertaken; and
b) whether the planning is likely to proceed as far as an intention for extension and technological upgrade of port infrastructure.

I further ask that you make known to Premier Baird and Minister Gay the fact that a number of residents and ratepayers in the Clarence Valley and, particularly those living on the banks of the Clarence River estuary, have publicly expressed concern about the NSW Government’s intentions towards the port [See No Yamba Mega Port at].

Many like myself are opposed to any strategic plan which involves the industrialisation of the Clarence estuary.

Especially if government leaves the door open to privatisation of the port or development along the lines set out in Australian Infrastructure Developments’ expanded proposal for a 36 sq. km infrastructure build covering an est. 27.2 per cent of the entire estuary area in additional to the approx. 20 km channel dredge to a depth of 18 metres [A.I.D. Australia Pty Ltd, Project 1 Port of Yamba at, September 2015].

Both houses of parliament will be sitting from 23 to 25 August and again from 13 to 15 and 21 to 22 September, which will hopefully allow you ample opportunity to approach the Premier and Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight.

In anticipation and appreciation of your assistance with this matter.

Yours sincerely,


[address redacted]


From: ElectorateOffice Clarence [redacted]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 August 2016 1:50 PM
To: 'Judith Melville'
Subject: RE: Unsolicited Proposal by Australian Infrastructure Developments Pty Ltd or Y.P.R. Australia Pty Ltd or Y.P.R Hong Kong or Deakin Capital Pty Ltd for privatization & development of Port of Yamba, NSW

Good afternoon Judith, and thanks for your e-mail about future strategic planning for the Port of Yamba.

I’m happy to raise your questions in this regard with both the Premier and Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, along with your opposition, and that of many others in the Clarence Valley, to a proposal by Australian Infrastructure Developments Pty Ltd for a ‘mega port’.

For your interest, I have publicly stated that I believe this project is ‘pie in the sky’ and certainly doesn’t tick any of the social or environmental boxes.

I will contact you again when I hear back from the Premier and Minister.

Regards – Chris


Letter by Greens candidate in the Clarence Valley local government election and reply from office of the NSW Premier.

Subject: Yamba Mega Port

Submitted on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 17:24
Submitted by anonymous user: []

Submitted values are:
Title: Dr
First Name: Greg
Last Name: Clancy
Organisation: Ecologist
Phone: [redacted]
Email: [redacted]
Street address: [redacted]
Suburb: Coutts Crossing
State: New South Wales
Postcode: 2460
Subject: Yamba Mega Port
Type of enquiry: Message

The company AID Australia proposes to build a mega port at Yamba, North Coast New South Wales. If this proposal was to be given approval it would have major impacts on the environment, economy and social aspects of the area. Any economic advantage of the port would be outweighed by the losses in the fishing and tourist industries. The estuary provides habitat for over 20 species of migratory shorebird that breed in the northern hemisphere. Australia is party to three international agreements to protect these species, a number of which are now listed as threatened. There are also locally nesting shorebirds that are listed as critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable breeding in the estuary. More details of the proposal and the potential impact can be found on the attached leaflet. This is concerning a large number of Clarence valley residents and visitors to the area who have agreed to fight the proposal tooth and nail. I ask that your government refuse this proposal if, and when, it is formally submitted and ask to be kept abreast of any developments with respect to the proponents submitting an application for development. Yours Faithfully Dr Greg Clancy

I would like a response: Yes, I would like a response
I would like to receive regular updates from the NSW Government: No

End of message

Reference: CMU16-19224

18 August 2016

Dr Greg Clancy

Dear Dr Clancy

On behalf of the Premier I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence regarding the proposed Yamba Mega Port.

The Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight has portfolio responsibility for this issue and I have forwarded a copy of your correspondence for the Minister’s information and consideration.

If you have any further enquiries about this matter please contact the Hon Duncan Gay MLC directly on (02) 8574 5500.

Thank you for taking the time to write to the Premier.

Yours sincerely

M. Monahan

Director, Briefings and Correspondence Unit


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