
Monday 5 December 2016

Prime Minister 'Truffles' Turnbull polls zero

Malcolm Turnbull faces a perilous final parliamentary week as voters turn against his leadership, key legislation teeters against Senate manoeuvring, and an emboldened Tony Abbott openly criticises the government while virtually demanding a ministry, according to The Canberra Times on 2 November 2016.

The article went on to say:

The poll showed the government lagging behind the Labor opposition at 49 per cent to 51.
Formerly the Coalition's greatest asset, Mr Turnbull's falling personal standing appears to be leading the broader decline, dropping 8 percentage points since June and a colossal 53 percentage points over the last year.
An equal percentage of voters now either approves or disapproves of the way Mr Turnbull is doing his job, giving him a net approval rating of zero.
Worse still, Mr Turnbull has slipped sharply on a range of important leadership characteristics while his opponent, Bill Shorten, has made some improvements.

The latest Fairfax-Ipsos survey appears to bear this gloom out:

One has to suspect that by now Malcolm Turnbull is experiencing a sensation akin to a sharp pain between his shoulder blades every time he turns his back on the right-wing hardliners in his ministry.

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