
Monday 23 January 2017

Sydney New Year's Eve display failed on local content

I think the city of Sydney and all those involved in planning the new year's eve fireworks celebration should be ashamed of themselves.  The theme of celebrating the artists 'we' lost in 2016 featured foreign artist's and not our own.  Australia lost many great talents last year and they should have been at the forefront of this celebration but instead it was a most un-Australian event.  Eyes of the world were on Sydney and were told we value their artists over our own.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the work of Prince, David Bowie and Gene Wilder but if we are to celebrate the talent of those who had passed in 2016, surely and more appropriately it should have, without question, been our own artists put on show for the world to see.  We should have celebrated our own people and showed pride in their achievements and presented them to the world as worth remembering. It is for these reasons I find the display on new year's eve, disgusting!

Quickly to mind, who should have been featured instead; Musicians: Jon English and Stevie Wright. Jon English was a master at rock 'n' roll, ballads, rock opera, operetta, comedy and drama. Stevie Wright was a rock 'n' roll legend in this country and his rock classic Evie pts 1, 2 and 3 could bring the house down (or a bridge). The pick of works from these two could have been put to an impressive light display that we could have been proud of.

As far as celebrating one Australian Actor: Peter Sumner (who, if you want more international appeal, was in Star Wars) who had a long and distinguished career in this country, but he wasn't our only actor loss to choose from.

The limited approach and lack of consideration of celebrating our own people in the City of Sydney NYE display was a telling reminder that this country still suffers 'cultural cringe' when presenting itself to the world.  The only thing Australia and certainly, Sydney, need to cringe about is its dismissal of its own talents lost in 2016.

Celeste Warren

 * Guest Speak is a North Coast Voices segment allowing serious or satirical comment from NSW Northern Rivers residents. Email ncvguestpeak at gmail dot com dot au to submit comment for consideration.

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