
Thursday 9 February 2017

President Tantrump threatens Prince Charles with a yuuge hissy fit

U.S. President  Donald J. Tantrump obviously fears those with more polish and prestige than he will ever have and this is manifesting itself as a desire to avoid the heir-apparent to the English throne.

Typically of a schoolyard bully the threat display is juvenile and done at a safe distance.

Hopefully, Prince Charles will not commit his grand-uncle’s mistake of accommodating a fascist leader and his two sons will follow suit.

After all images like this have a life measured in centuries:

The Independent, 19 January 2015

Hopefully also, the British Prime Minister Theresa May will think better of a Trump state visit while he is still not house trained and, diplomatically suggest to the White House Administration that such a high profile formal visit be postponed until an unspecified later date.


The New York Post, 29 January 2017:

President Trump is being a royal pain to Prince Charles' climate-change agenda.

Members of Trump's inner circle have warned British officials that it would be counterproductive for Charles to “lecture” Trump on green issues during the president's June visit to Britain, and that the president will “erupt” if pushed, the Sunday Times of London reported.

Trump has called climate change “a hoax.” Hours after he took office, references to the issue were removed from the White House Web site. By contrast, Charles has called climate change “the wolf at the door.”

A source close to Trump told the newspaper the president “won't put up with being lectured by anyone.”

The Independent, 29 January 2017:

Donald Trump and Prince Charles are reportedly engaged in a diplomatic row about climate change, which threatens to damage US-British relations ahead of the new President’s first state visit to the UK.

The royal is a famously vocal environmentalist, who runs Duchy Originals, an organic food company. Conversely, President Trump is a loud climate change denier, who has claimed that global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese.

The difference of opinion is said to be a growing sore spot, about which both camps are nervous ahead of Mr Trump’s first visit to the UK. Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit Mr Trump following his inauguration and she announced that he has also accepted an invitation on behalf of Queen Elizabeth to visit the UK for an official state visit later this year.

Members of the Republican politician’s staff have warned that Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth’s son, should not “lecture” him on climate change during the visit in case the fiery politician “erupts” in return, The Sunday Times reports. He has reportedly expressed a preference that the younger generation of royals, such as Prince Charles’ sons William and Harry, meet him instead.

The Sunday Times, 29 January 2017:

Donald Trump is engaged in an extraordinary diplomatic row with the Prince of Wales over climate change that threatens to disrupt his state visit to the UK.

The new president is reluctant to meet the prince when he comes to Britain in June because of their violently divergent views on global warming.

Members of Trump’s inner circle have warned officials and ministers that it would be counterproductive for Charles to “lecture” Trump on green issues and that he will “erupt” if pushed.

They want the younger princes, William and Harry, to greet the president instead. Royal aides insist that he should meet Trump.

Senior government officials now believe Charles is one of the most serious “risk factors” for the visit.

Metro UK, 30 January 2017:

Trump has also talked about Princess Diana, mother of Prince William and Prince Harry.
Days after she died in a car crash, President Trump said on the radio that he could have slept with her.
Howard Stern asked him: 'Why do people think it's egotistical of you to say you could've gotten with Lady Di? You could've gotten her, right? You could've nailed her.'
'I think I could have,' Trump replied.

The Times, 31 January 2017:

Theresa May has put the Queen in a “very difficult position” and should downgrade Donald Trump’s invitation from a state visit to spare her further controversy, the former head of the Foreign Office says.

Lord Ricketts, who was permanent secretary at the Foreign Office between 2006 and 2010 before serving as David Cameron’s national security adviser, condemns the “premature” offer of a state visit in a letter to The Times. Mrs May must “move fast” to protect the Queen from more controversy, he says.

Pointing out that it is unprecedented for US presidents to be given a state visit in their first year in the White House, he questions whether Mr Trump is “specially deserving of this exceptional honour”……

Who wouldn't take Kate's picture and make lots of money if she does the nude sunbathing thing. Come on Kate!
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The British Parliament will debate the anti-Trump visit petition at on 20 February 2017.

This petition currently stands at 1,851,079 signatures.

U.K. map of where signatures came from at

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