
Sunday 5 February 2017

The Turnbull Government doesn't even bother to pretend it cares about an individual's privacy anymore

Buzz Feed, 25 January 2017:

According to the Herald Sun, in May a contractor had stumbled upon the open dumpster outside the recently closed Melbourne office belonging to self-dubbed “job queen” and Liberal donor Sarina Russo.
The open dumpster was overflowing with thousands of jobseekers’ confidential files which, according to the report, included, “bank details, phone numbers, home addresses, employment histories and education records”.
It was outside the government-contracted agency of Queensland businesswoman Sarina Russo, who in recent weeks has been thrust into the limelight for her cosy relationship with the most senior members of the federal government.
Sussan Ley was forced to resign when it emerged she’d been flouting the generous politicians’ expenses system, including charging the taxpayer for attending Russo’s opulent NYE parties.

BuzzFeed News has also reported on Russo’s personal access to the prime minister and senior government ministers, and the eye-watering $600 million contract she won in 2015, which led to her expanding from 25 Australian offices to 95 in the space of 90 days.
At the time of the dumpster incident, employment minister Michaelia Cash ……announced her department would launch an investigation into how the confidential data had found its way onto the footpath.
Responding to a request from BuzzFeed News about the results of the departmental “investigation”, a spokesperson said the matter was now resolved, with the blunder blamed on “human error”.

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