
Sunday 9 April 2017

Complaints to Centrelink have jumped since first Abbott and then Turnbull became Australian prime minister

If the sharp rise in complaints shown on this graph from 2013-14 onwards is any indication, then neither Tony Abbott nor Malcolm Turnbull made wise decisions regarding which of their ministers should have charge of the portfolio which contains the Dept. of Human Services and Centrelink.

The odd spike in the percentage of “suggestions” in 2015–2016 seems to indicate this as a possibility and the real number may be higher. I doubt that suddenly in 2015–16 there was a jump in people suddenly having ideas to improve Centrelink’s service, and the will to communicate that directly to Centrelink’s feedback line. [Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Inquiry into Design, scope, cost-benefit analysis, contracts awarded and implementation associated with the Better Management of the Social Welfare System initiative, Submission 27]

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