
Monday 10 April 2017

Moggy Musings: Archived material from Boy The Wonder Cat

5am mayoral musing: At 4pm today, 27 September 2016 Clarence Valley Council chooses its mayor for the first two years of the new council term. With neither Richie Williamson or Andrew Baker (both re-elected councillors) able to convince a majority of their fellow councillors to endorse them for the top job, it now looks likely that Jim Simmons of Maclean will be the next mayor, with Jason Kingsley as his deputy. However, nothing is set in stone so tune in to the live broadcast of the vote at

An for avid council watchers musing: Those local government watchers in the valley may find these names familiar, in Gary Wilson Bax v Kevin Graeme Wilson (District Court 2016/00048884). After all the origin of this defamation action was the subject of a Clarence Valley Council meeting item and was reported in local media at the time. After mediation this matter was removed from the District Court calendar on 21 September 2016 and I rather suspect that right now Clarence Valley Council administration is scrambling to find out what happened. Knowing management’s batting record with regard to certain aspects of local government law, I’m willing to bet it now has a very generous amount of egg on its face which it may have to eventually explain to the incoming councillors.

just can’t look away musing: the disintegration of The Clarence Forum since candidate nominations closed for the 2016 Clarence Valley local government elections has had the gruesome fascination of an oncoming train wreck. Bloody derailment finally occurred on Facebook between 28 August and 5 September with accusations of hate speech, partisanship, plots, blocking, banning, slander, lying, flying through the air as posts/comments were alleged to be appearing and disappearing.local government election musingthere is talk around town that a former editor of The Daily Examiner may be flirting with the idea of standing at the next Clarence Valley Council election.

get me outta here! musing: It is being said that a certain local government senior executive on the NSW North Coast is desperate to relocate anywhere but the Clarence Valley – perhaps there is no more room it in the office filing cabinet for all those rumoured industrial relations, discrimination, budgetary and conduct complaint issues and he feels the need for pastures new or perhaps he would prefer a workplace where his personal life is not the subject of so much staff gossip.

laughing until my sides hurt musing: The look on my human’s face was priceless when she received this unexpected email from Nationals MP Kevin Hogan which began “It's been a pleasure working with you over the last three years. Together we are making meaningful, measurable progress toward ensuring we get the share of funding we deserve for things like roads, schools, hospitals, and other services.” However, I confess I grew alarmed at the purple hue of that same face when she opened a second email concerning Andrew Bolt which said “You are invited to join Andrew, Senator Cory Bernardi and John Roskam from the Institute of Public Affairs for two hours of networking with fellow conservatives at CLF House.”

An enterprising musing: An industrial dispute has been registered with the NSW Industrial Relations Commission between the NSW Local Government, Clerical, Administrative, Airlines & Utilities Union and Clarence Valley Council. A compulsory conference is being held on 23 March 2016.

fiery musing: One sharp-eyed little dog living over at Iluka noticed something rather strange the other day on a wooded block of land that had recently been found to be home to a small forest of endangered coastal trees – a rather ‘convenient’ little fire has started on this lot which just happens to be the subject of a development application, which if it went ahead would see most of the land clear-felled and all those endangered trees removed. Luckily someone called the firies and the flames were doused.

Boy the Wonder Cat

ps. a shout out to my doggie mates Hector, Molly & Coco

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