
Sunday 21 May 2017

Tit for tat in face off by Tweed Shire mayor and wealthy developer

Local government can be an interesting space on the NSW North Coast……

Echo NetDaily, 9 May 2017:

Tweed shire mayor Katie Milne has been awarded $45,000 in damages plus costs after winning a defamation case against billionaire developer Bob Ell.

Mr Ell is involved in two massive developments in the Tweed Shire and his relationship with the council, and Cr Milne in particular, has not been smooth.

Ironically, Cr Milne brought her case as a result of comments Mr Ell made to a Murdoch newspaper, the Gold Coast Bulletin, after he won a defamation case against her.

In that case, Mr Ell was awarded $15,000 damages against Cr Milne but Justice Rothman ruled in the Supreme Court yesterday that was not a reason to minimise the damages awarded to her.

After Mr Ell’s case was ruled by Justice McCallum on March 7, 2014, Mr Ell was contacted by a reporter from the Gold Coast Bulletin on March 12, and ‘made comments to the effect that Ms Milne is not a “fit a proper person to be a councillor” and the Gold Coast Bulletin reported that comment together with reporting that Mr Ell has stated that he hoped speculation that the payments would bankrupt her were true, so that she would not be able to retain her place as a councillor,’ the facts of the case revealed.

The newspaper ran the headline ‘KATIE LOSES BILLIONAIRE BOB BATTLE “I HOPE THIS SENDS HER BROKE” P8’ on its front page.

On page 8 the story ran under the headline titled ‘Developer hopes fine bankrupts councillor’.

For all those avid court watchers out there the finer details of the outcomes of these legal clashes can be found in Ell v Milne (No 9) [2014] NSWSC 489 (11 April 2014) and Milne v  Ell  [2017] NSWSC 555 (8 May 2017).

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