
Tuesday 29 August 2017

Enter Stage Right: TONY ABBOTT *dripping hypocrisy*

"I'd probably be too much of a grog-monster for you fellas"
[, 25 January 2013]

The Age, 26 August 2017:

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has defended himself for being drunk and incapacitated on the job in 2009, while slamming welfare recipients for blowing taxpayers' money on booze.

Mr Abbott, who admitted to passing out in his office and missing key votes following a rowdy dinner while in opposition, said his drinking binge paled in comparison to Labor's profligate spending…..

In the same 2UE interview on Saturday, Mr Abbott argued for the rollout of cashless welfare cards for all working age Australians receiving benefits from the government, to help combat binge drinking…..

"The whips tried to rouse him to get him down into the chamber to vote, but they were unable to move him," Mr Turnbull recounted on Friday.

"I can't remember anyone else missing a vote because they were too drunk to get in the chamber, but the fact is Tony Abbott has 'fessed up to it." [my highlighting]

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