
Sunday 10 September 2017

More problems for the Liberal Party of Australia

Since 2013 Liberal MPS and senators have been their own political party’s worst enemy.

First it was the discovery of how comfortable some were with accepting unlawful political donations, then it was the blatant rorting of parliamentary entitlements followed by the dual citizenship debacle.

Now it’s this……………………..

The Sydney Morning Herald, 6 September 2017:

The NSW police and Liberal party are under fresh pressure to investigate Felicity Wilson, the MP who falsely swore to have lived in her electorate for a decade, following a new police complaint and after five other Liberal candidates were suspended for irregularities in statutory declarations.

The case of whether Ms Wilson breached the law by incorrectly claiming to have lived in her North Shore electorate for a decade on a statutory declaration has been revived by a detailed 200-page complaint submitted to the Police Commissioner last week, unsigned but understood to have been compiled with input from eminent Sydney lawyer.

Harbourside police had earlier declined to investigate a complaint from a member of the public about whether Ms Wilson had breached the Oaths Act because the form she signed had a typo that rendered the title of the Act as 1990, not its true date of 1900, and they argued it lacked legal status.

But three legal experts contacted by Fairfax Media back up one of many strands of argument made in the fresh complaint, which accuses the police of misapplying the law: that a typographical error does not make the document Ms Wilson signed invalid.

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