
Saturday 2 December 2017

Quotes of the Week

"All I'm thinking about now is things I'm going to do on my own farm to be quite frank" [ Nationals candidate in New England by-election and former Deputy Prime Minister until High Court revoked his election, Barnaby Joyce, on receiving a $40,000 cheque from mining magnate Gina Rinehart, 21 November 2017]

“As he was handed an oversized cheque on stage, Mr Joyce's first response was; "Holy Dooley. Rightio".”   [The Financial Review, 22 November 2017]

“Barnaby Joyce won't accept a $40,000 cheque gifted to him by Gina Rinehart after it sent shock waves through agricultural circles.”  [SBS News, 23  November 2017]

“Barnaby Joyce has defended his actions in initially accepting a $40,000 “dirty big cheque” from mining magnate Gina Rinehart, and said it was a surprise.” [The Australian, 24 November 2017]

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