
Tuesday 6 March 2018

Having failed to walk the walk Nationals MP & Australian Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources is belatedly trying to talk the talk

Well the Nationals are out there trying to ‘spin’ their party as reasonable and balanced in the hope of repairing political damage caused by the recent Ministerial Code of Conduct-Use of Parliamentary Entitlements scandal.

This was former National Australia Bank rural financial adviser, Nationals MP for Maranoa since July 2016 & Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources since December 2017, David Kelly Littleproud.

The heir to Barnaby Joyce's portfolio has declared he has nothing against renewables, believes climate change is fundamentally reshaping agriculture, and called on city dwellers to wake up to the economic heavy lifting being done by Australia's farmers.

David Littleproud, the banker who came within a couple of votes of snatching the Nationals leadership last week, has no intention of emulating the former deputy prime minister.

"I am in favour of renewables, make no mistake," he said. "It will mean we will have cleaner air to breathe, there is nothing to fear in that."

The Agriculture Minister, who party leaders hope will appeal to a new generation of voters, said renewables needed to be brought in a way that "doesn't impact someone being able to put a light on or a farmer being able to put a pump on".

"The stark reality," he said, is farmers had been trying to deal with the effects of climate change since they were "putting till in the ground".

The 41-year-old rejected calls from environmentalists for an agricultural climate change adaptation plan, but says that's only because farmers will need to do it themselves or risk losing their crop.

His comments mark a relatively climate-friendly shift from Mr Joyce, who promoted Mr Littleproud into cabinet before Christmas....

What David Littleproud does not say is that he has never voted against the Liberal-Nationals party line in the House of Representatives to date.

Which means he is on record as voting against:

And voting for:

Somehow I don’t see Littleproud making much headway with what he calls “a new generation of voters”.

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