
Friday 6 April 2018

Monash Family versus Monash Forum

Members of the Monash Forum include Craig Kelly, Eric Abetz, Tony Abbott, Barnaby Joyce and Kevin Andrews. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen  [The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 April 2018]

The allegedly more than 20 member strong Monash Forum circulated a letter in late March 2018 emphasising the importance of coal-fired power to the Australian economy and setting out principles such as the withdrawal of subsidies for renewable energy and the advantage of new generation of “low-emission” coal-fired power stations.

It is hard to see this group as anything but a collection of far-right politically notorious, climate change denying, xenophobic, chauvinistic, historical revisionist ‘warriors’ on a mission to bring down Malcolm Bligh Turnbull and hasten Australia's decline into the worst aspects of its old 20th Century self.

Apparently a group of descendants of former army general Sir John Monash, GCMG, KCB, VD (1865-1931), as well as the Australian Returned Services League, thought along much those same lines.

Here is what these family members said:

via ABC Defence Reporter @AndrewBGreene

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