
Thursday 24 January 2019

Meet Australian Prime Minister Eejit approximately 14 weeks out from a federal election

See this man?

He is Prime Minister of Australia and Liberal MP for Cook Scott John Morrison.

And so is this.

As well as this.

This poor excuse for a thinking leader is about to spend $6.7 million on a re-enactment of the voyage of Lieut. James Cook circumnavigating Australia.

Why is that remarkable? 

Because all Cook undertook in April-August 1770 was a limited exploration of the east coast of Australia captaining HM Bark Endeavour.

Circumnavigation of Australia didn't begin until 1801, by which time James Cook had been dead for a full twenty-two years.

This is an image of prime ministerial brain activity on 22 January 2019.

* Photographs of Scott Morrison found on Google Images.

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