
Tuesday 5 February 2019

A Liberal prime minister reduced to begging is a dismal sight

This was the public face of Prime Minister and Liberal MP for Cook Scott Morrison in 2019....

The Sydney Morning Herald, 1 February 2019:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has boasted of an influx of donations to the Liberal Party as Bill Shorten inches closer to power and says he's unafraid to run a negative election campaign against Labor's tax changes……

I can say quite confidently that we are well ahead on fundraising in this election. We are well ahead of where we were going into the 2016 election and I have seen that from the day I stepped into the job," he said.

"Why? Because [donors] know I'm going to fight and they know I have that record.

And this was Morrison begging behind the scenes..................

Channel 9 News, 31 January 2019:

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has sent letters to former members of the Liberal Party, pleading for them to rejoin ahead of the federal election.

"I wanted to write personally and encourage you to rejoin the Liberal Party."

"We need everyone who believes in our values to become energised members of our movement," he writes.

A copy of the letter which was sent out by the PM. (Supplied)

The letter was signed by Mr Morrison, who was today on the campaign trail in Brisbane, and authorised by NSW Liberal Party State Director Chris Stone.

It was a captain's pick by the Prime Minister, which sparked the resignation of the dumped locally-endorsed Liberal candidate Grant Schultz, along with a number of disillusioned Liberal Party branch members.

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